Profile of CRTDS
The CAIT Research & Trade Development Society (CRTDS)
The Cait Research & Trade Development Society (CRTDS), is a Research and Business promotion Board founded by the Confederation of All indian Traders (CAIT), in the year 2007, which is engaged in multifarious activities with a vision and mission to develop greater business opportunities in the country by motivating the traders and other section to upgrade and modernize their existing business model and to adopt modern business techniques in order to face global challenges.
CRTDS is carrying regular research and debate on issues concerning the unorganized sector of india including traders, small and medium enterprises, professionals and self-employed person, beside conducting research on economic issues, with a view to promote better business opportunities in domestic and foreign trade.
CRDTS either on its own or in assocation with its parent body the CAIT, also holds Meetings, Seminars and Conferences on several issues with the Central and State Government and other Authorities from time to time and also lend assistance to mitigate genuine problems of the unorganized sector.
The CRDTS is presently headed by Shri Raj Kumar Bindal, Former President, Federation of All India Paper Traders Association and Mr.Praveen Khandelwal, the illustrious leader of the trading community at national level, as its Secretary General and consists of more than 415 distinguished and leading businessman, industrialists and professionals of New Delhi and other States.
The Society is nurtured by renowned Chartered Accountant and Industrialist of Maharashtra Mr. B.C.Bhartia, as its Patron.
Vision of CRTDS
The Vision behind CRTDS can be summarized as under:

Past CRTDS Activities
In association with CAIT, the CRTDS has played important and effective role by conducting study and research work on several issues inter–alia as follows:
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