Chandni Chowk MP Praveen Khandelwal termed Arvind Kejriwal as a person who has outdone even a chameleon in changing colors.”Kejriwal’s call for resignation amidst ongoing controversies raises significant questions about the governance and accountability in Delhi’s administration. While Kejriwal has portrayed himself as a leader driven by the interests of the common man, this resignation plea is perceived as an attempt to divert attention from recent allegations and controversies surrounding himself, his colleagues and his government.He has prove himself as a “ Bhagauda”( fugitive) as it seems to contradict the very ideals he once championed.

Mr Khandelwal said that it is not a voluntary declaration but the pressure of Supreme Court which granted him bail but didn’t allow to work as Chief Minister as also that of BJP which during past years strongly demonstrated the utter failure of Kejriwal Government and mass corruption done by him and his commanders. Mr Khandelwal further said that timing of this plea is critical. It comes at a juncture when Delhi is grappling with various pressing issues, from administrative lapses to infrastructure challenges. Kejriwal’s potential resignation may leave the people of Delhi in a leadership vacuum, which could destabilize ongoing projects and crucial public policies. Instead of addressing the allegations head-on, this move can be seen as a tactic to evade responsibility, leaving important questions about transparency and good governance unanswered.

Furthermore, the political implications of such a resignation would ripple beyond Delhi, affecting the larger national political scenario. It opens up debates on the role of regional parties in national governance and whether leaders can truly maintain the standards they promise during their tenure. For a leader who entered politics on the platform of anti-corruption and transparency,

Mr Khandelwal said that Arvind Kejriwal’s resignation plea may appear as a dramatic gesture of sacrifice but in reality, reflect a deeper unwillingness to confront the challenges and criticisms that his administration faces. The people of Delhi, and indeed the rest of India, deserve leaders who will stand firm in the face of adversity rather than seek exit strategies when the going gets tough.